Wildfire is published quarterly for members of the International Association of Wildland Fire and the greater global wildland fire community. The magazine serves as a storytelling and network building platform, exemplifying our role as a unique supporter and unifier of fire professionals across the globe.

Available in print and online, Wildfire is the only publication capturing wildland fire professional experience from across the planet. By sharing our stories, challenges, research, setbacks, solutions, perspectives, and progress, we can connect with, learn from, and be inspired by each other – unifying our global wildland fire community in these increasingly challenging times.

Potential Topics Include:

  • Firefighter safety
  • Fire behavior
  • Social dimensions
  • Operations
  • Leadership
  • Research, technology, product innovation
  • Aviation
  • Fire ecology and effects
  • Education and training
  • Economics
  • Industry – Utilities, insurance. Etc
  • Mapping technologies
  • Fuels treatments
  • Tools and tactics
  • Cross-jurisdictional, interagency, and international cooperation
  • Pre-Fire: risk mitigation, planning, prevention, preparedness,
  • Post-Fire: recovery, restoration, resilience,
  • Risk mitigation
  • Fire weather and climate change
  • Lessons learned
  • Emergency response
  • Historic Wildland Fires
  • Prescribed Fires
Who Writes for Wildfire?

Our writers have deep experience and broad understanding of wildland fire and include fire and land managers, researchers, firefighters, emergency responders, educators, communicators, students, and journalists from across the globe.

They are effective storytellers who write in a conversational, informed, and trustworthy tone, offering fact-based narratives and analysis of challenges and solutions.

We welcome the submission of complete manuscripts, article proposals, reprints of existing work, artwork and photography.

Who Reads Wildfire?

More than 80% of our readers are in the fire service and engaged in the key issues and trends in the profession. Wildfire has a core circulation of 5000 readers centered on IAWF members, with additional distribution to national and international fire conference attendees with a significant pass-along readership.

Our readers are professionals working in wildland fire as incident commanders, fire staff officers, fire chiefs and engineers, managers, researchers, small business owners, prevention educators, community leaders, and firefighters.

They seek exploration of new ideas, successful operations and collaborations, new technologies, safe and sound practices, lessons learned, and personal narratives.

  • Feature articles: 1200 — 3500 words
  • Columns/Opinions: 800 — 1200 words.
  • Department contributions range from 350 — 850 words.

We seek clear writing built on authoritative experience by writers who acknowledge the following recommendations and requirements:

  • A conversational style is preferred. You are writing for your peers. Tell them your story.
  • To the degree possible and appropriate for the subject matter, we require Plain Language writing, with minimal technical and scientific jargon.

Plain Language Examples

Plain Language Guidelines

  • Use acronyms very sparingly. Where they may be required for brevity because of repetitive use, define them parenthetically with the first use. For example, “This data software integration framework is called the Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS).”
  • Avoid if possible or clearly define terms that may only be recognizable for a subset of readers
  • Highly technical concepts, analysis, and procedures must be explained in Plain Language.
  • Where required, APA style in-text citation may be used, for example: (Field, 2005). You may also provide additional resources in the “For More Information” section following your article.

Wildfire Magazine contributors are leaders in the field and share their stories as a commitment to furthering the wildland fire/bushfire profession.

Currently, we are unable to provide monetary compensation to our contributing writers and photographers. As a contributor you gain visibility and recognition while advancing dialogue, problem-solving, learning, and innovation among the global fire community.

You will receive 6 copies of the issue in which your work is printed, along with the credibility the publication affords, and the appreciation and gratitude of our readers.

Getting Started

Start by creating a contributor account at our content management platform. Submittable

Once you are registered, visit our Wildfire Magazine page. 

The information you’ll be asked to provide includes:

  • Contact information;
  • An outline of key points you seek to develop in the article;
  • Description of your background, expertise/ experience;
  • Links to any professional social media accounts;
  • Images and/or graphics.

We’ll confirm receipt of your proposal within 5 business days. Within two weeks we’ll contact you with one of the following responses

  • Acceptance
  • Acceptance with modifications
  • Unsuitable
  • Need more information

If your proposal is accepted, we’ll introduce you to your editor and provide you with the next steps!

We look forward to hearing your voice.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with ANY questions!
