16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit & 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference
May 24-27, 2021
Virtual Conference

Thank you to everyone who joined us on a trip around the world through the lens of wildland fire. Across four days in May 2021, IAWF presented real world risks and opportunities in an online environment. We connected a truly international audience, with global topics and speakers from most regions around the world, on different continents and time zones. The IAWF 16th Wildland Fire Safety Summit and the 6th Human Dimensions Conference addressed the issues that make the global wildland fire community safe, smart and supported.

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4th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop
October 04-07, 2021
Virtual Workshop

The International Association of Wildland Fire is presenting this workshop in partnership with the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) and the Western, Southeast and Northeast Regional Strategy Committees. The workshop will be held as a virtual workshop on October 4-7, 2021.

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