2019 Outstanding Editor for IJWF – Fernando Ojeda
Fernando Ojeda, Professor of Botany, University of Ca´diz Spain; leading researcher of the FEBIMED research group (https://www.febimed.org).
The reputation and performance of a journal’s Editorial Board is vital in maintaining the quality and continually improving the stature and visibility of that journal. On this note, we are very pleased to announce that Professor Fernando Ojeda is the winner of the Outstanding Editor Award of the International Journal of Wildland Fire for 2019. Please join us in congratulating Fernando for his many years of dedicated and exceptional level of service to the journal as an Associate Editor.
Based at the Department of Biology at the University of Ca´diz since 2008, Fernando’s research group is located in the Strait of Gibraltar region, a major plant biodiversity hotspot within the Mediterranean Basin. As such, his research interests lie in the areas of plant biogeography, ecology of fire and evolution of Mediterranean plants, biotic interactions in carnivorous plants, and biodiversity and conservation of fire-prone Mediterranean heathlands.
Fernando graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Sevilla, Spain, in 1995. He is the author of 80 scientific contributions (https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=os085oEAAAAJ& hl=es). In the last five years, he has led two research projects and one research contract, and has a strong commitment to outreach and education, as evidenced by his involvement in the production of two documentaries, one on the ecology and biodiversity of the herriza or Mediterranean heathland (https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=u0YpOcl27Nw) and a more recent one on the ecology of the carnivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=vy-fPF6Kejw).
Fernando has been an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Wildland Fire since May 2006. We are pleased to add the 2019 IJWF Outstanding Editor Award to his impressive list of achievements, and we most whole-heartedly thank him for his exceptional service to the International Journal of Wildland Fire.
3rd International Smoke Symposium moves to Virtual Conference
After careful consideration amid the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to host the Third International Smoke Symposium as 100% Virtual. The Virtual Conference will be held April 20-23 and all presentations will be recorded and available for up to one year.
The symposium will be an international nexus of research, management and policy with a target audience of governmental air quality regulators; land managers and fire practitioners; research and extension communities; public health professionals; air quality and fire weather forecasting communities; and climate change researchers.
ISS3 includes five keynote presentations and panel sessions; 145 concurrent sessions; 40 poster presentations; and a full day Wildland Fire and Health Summit sponsored by UC Davis School of Medicine. We are also offering five virtual workshops on Monday, April 20.
The Virtual Conference platform will allow attendees to interact and engage in discussion with the presenters as well as the other attendees. The full program can be viewed on the symposium webpage.
Registration is $300 and includes access to all sessions throughout the week of April 20-23 as well as access to the recorded sessions for up to one year afterward. Also, after the ISS3 we will add presentations from ISS1 and ISS2 to the site.