April 2018 | Fire in the Media
Seeing the Light, Feeling the Heat By Writer Wildfire Magazine
Reflections on "Images of Inferno," photos by Kari Greer
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January 2017 | Human Dimensions
After Flames: Witnessing Wildfire By Writer Wildfire Magazine
Photos by Carlos Vera
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January 2017 | Human Dimensions
BOOK REVIEW: Incident Management in Australasia By Writer Wildfire Magazine
Learning from how we responded to and managed 10 major Australasian emergencies, from cyanide spills to major structure fires, from floods to…
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March 2016 | Human Dimensions
Introversion in Fireline Leadership By Writer Wildfire Magazine
Fireline leaders make life and death decisions. When seeking leadership for fireline and for the evolving "wicked problems" that fire managers seek,…
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October 2015 | Human Dimensions
The Human Dimension of Safety in the Wildland Fire Environment By Writer Wildfire Magazine
A speech by Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell delivered at the IAWF conference focused on "Managing Fire, Understanding Ourselves."
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March 2015 | Human Dimensions
Preview: Managing fire, understanding ourselves By Writer Wildfire Magazine
A sampling of topics and presentations from IAWF's upcoming conference, "Managing Fire, Understanding Ourselves: Human Dimensions in Safety and Wildland Fire." We…
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