Dan Bailey
Past President (2012-2013)Dan Bailey, Past President (2012-2013)
International Code Council™
Washington, DC, USA
Dan Bailey is Executive Director for National and International programs dealing with Wildland Fire, Natural Resource, Environmental and Natural Hazard Programs for the International Code Council™. Dan was a staff assistant to Senator Wayne Morse (Oregon) before moving to the USDA Forest Service where he was involved with land management, forestry and wildland fire programs in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Arizona and Washington, DC. He served as a National Incident Commander leading efforts on more than 200 of the largest wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters. Prior to retiring from the Forest Service, he served as the National Program Manager for Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Fire and Firewise programs. Dan was also the founder of the National Firewise Communities Workshop series. He served on the NFPA Board of Directors, and founded the NFPA Wildland Fire Management Section, serving as chair for 8 years. He has served on the Boards of the National Wildfire Foundation, the United Nations, International Wildland Fire Alliance, and the World Forestry Alliance.